London Trade Art

Purchases of works of art, NFTs and payments in cryptocurrencies

London Trade Art is a London company with a very ambitious project: to offer users an online purchasing and trading platform for works of art. A very ambitious and above all innovative project, which requires, in addition to experience in the art and financial sector, also advanced technological solutions.

A customised e-commerce solution

To help London Trade Art achieve their goal, it was essential to lay solid foundations by working on two key aspects: building a dedicated platform with modern technologies that could accommodate both immediate and future logic, and analyzing the positioning of the brand from the point of view of brand identity and communication.

We therefore started in parallel with the analysis of the technical requirements to identify which technological services were to be integrated to ensure the correct functioning of the platform, and with a revision of the brand identity and consequent design of the e-commerce UI to offer a quality browsing experience and optimize purchase flows.

After finalizing the preliminary activities, we developed the platform from scratch, using a modern system architecture to allow quick and efficient maintenance and allow easy integration with necessary services such as CRM, payment systems and advertising management.


Tailor-made shipping services

Obviously the work was not limited to the simple development that an e-commerce with standard logics may require, however complex they may be. Anyone who has anything to do with the art world knows very well that logistical aspects are a critical element, making it difficult to estimate the real cost of an expedition, especially if it is a question of large, valuable works or made with particular materials.

With London Trade Art we have created sophisticated algorithms and integrated third-party services specialized in international shipments of works of art to offer efficient, configurable deliveries able to offer users real estimates of shipping costs.


Artworks become digital

Last, but not least, the topic of digital works of art. Given the strong focus of the art world to move more and more towards this sector, the project with London Trade Art required integrations with innovative external services that also dealt with this topic.

A dedicated integration with the blockchain was necessary to allow the sale of NFTs, thus allowing users to purchase digital works of art directly on the site and register the transaction on the blockchain, thus certifying their possession in a univocal and indelible way.

In addition to this, alternative and innovative payment systems have been added, allowing the purchase of selected works of art through cryptocurrencies.