
Booking of appointments and pharmaceutical training

Zentiva is a pharmaceutical company that deals with the development, production and marketing of generic, over-the-counter products and medical devices, using an innovative process fueled by constant research.

The company's mission is to always be at the side of health professionals to guarantee the right to just and correct assistance. For this reason, Zentiva also implements training courses for pharmacy employees to update them on the use of its products: it is a fundamental requirement that requires extremely timely and precise organization.

A simplified appointment management

To help Zentiva we have taken over the management of the booking flow used by employees, developing a digital platform to simplify the management of appointments.

To facilitate the operation of those who had to manage contact with pharmacies and trainers, an archive of local pharmacies has been added to the platform, complete with personal data, contact details of the assignees responsible, and other personal information. From within the platform, the service manager, or users with enabled permissions, have the possibility to assign pharmacies to contact to the various trainers, so that, through the data present in the pharmacy registry, they can easily switch to the contact to fix the training appointment, which can take place online or offline.

Each appointment is saved both in the operator profile, who thus always has the list of courses already performed, to be delivered and reassigned, available and under control, and in the pharmacy profile.


Everything under control

In addition to appointments, on the platform it is also possible to enter information relating to the request for specific equipment by pharmacies, documentation relating to existing loans for use, terms and conditions of use accepted, and much more. All to allow service managers to have all the information at hand, and to have a general overview of the activities carried out and to be reviewed.

Furthermore, all the data are automatically saved in a special database that acts as a historical archive and can be exported granularly, to simplify the analysis operations and the creation of specific periodic reports.